Monday, February 28, 2011

A One-Volume Theology of Audacity!

This book was an incredible read. Steven Furtick really knows how to smack the reader in the face, churn their emotions, and then pick them back up to stand in awe of God. The theme of this book is a challenge for all believers to live with the same bold faith that Joshua did. The author holds the reader's attention through vivid language that is seldom seen. He refers to this book as a "one-volume theology of Audacity." Yeah, that's not something you hear everyday. But I have to agree with him. This book will awaken your faith and give you boldness to embrace God's vision for your life. I recommend this book to anyone, but especially those who are struggling with knowing what God would have them do with their lives.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Batterson Does it Again with "Soul Print"

Mark Batterson does it again with this insightful read. Mark is a verbal artist who paints a beautiful picture of God's true design for us on the inside. He challenges readers to dig deep inside themselves and find the true person that God meant them to be. This book is inspiring and liberating. It will impact the life of any reader guaranteed!

John Piper on the Prosperity Gospel